It’s our last full day in Vietnam. We got up early to catch a flight from Da Nang to Ho Chi Minh City.
We arrived too early to check into our hotel so we went to eat lunch and make one last pass through the big market.
We wandered around before shopping to try one more coffee shop called “Legend Coffee” famous for their “energy” coffee. It was very snooty and expensive! My Cafe Sua Da cost $7.50 USD! 😳🤯 It didn’t taste any better than the $1 coffees. Oh well, we wanted to try it and we did. Plus I think whatever made to coffee so expensive also made me feel ill the rest of the day. 🤢
Not worth $7.50 USD
Jaedan contemplating if he can drink his sour orange drink. It was super duper sour!
Then we did some shopping. One last trip to the big market.
Jaedan trying on a cool jacket pant combo.
The girls bought áo dàis to wear for some photos in front of the “Notre-Dame” of Vietnam.
In front of the old post office building.
One last group photo in Vietnam.
Well that’s a wrap on Vietnam. We get up at 3:30 AM local time to go to the airport. We all fly to Japan. Hailey and Noah continue on back to the United States. 😔 We don’t want to part ways yet. It’s gone by too fast!
Okay.. one more group photo! Catching a late dinner at the Street Food Market. Then off to bed.