View from our Airbnb in Tokyo
The day started off with breakfast from 7-11. In Japan, 7-11s are everywhere and they sell really good food. I should also mention Caelan spent the day with his friend that lives in Tokyo. That’s why no photos with him in them.
One of these things is not like the other… but it’s really close! 🤔
We took a train to Kamakura to visit the Tsurugaoka-hachimangu Shrine. There were lots of cute shops and many people along the road from the train station to the temple.
Lam and I practicing our selfie technique
Lots of beautiful fabric
Feeling strong… ready to climb some stairs to the temple
The path leading to the temple
The lotus pond near the entrance of the temple grounds is magnificent
We stopped for lunch and had some delicious katsu (deep fried breaded) chicken, pork and fish.
After visiting the shrine we took a bus to visit another temple, the Taiizan Kotokuin Shojosenji. This one is famous for the giant bronze Buddha.
We stopped for some cold drinks on our way to the temple. The elder man that ran this store was very kind and seemed like he’d been running the cafe for a very long time.
From there we walked to another famous temple, Hase-kannon, famous for the giant wooden statue of Kannon. There are many Buddha statues and a cave on the grounds of the temple.
After seeing the gorgeous beach from the overlook at the temple, we decided to walk there for dinner.
That was a full day! And it was only our first full day in Japan.
And oh yeah, there are so many cute cars in Kamakura!